In-person, virtually, or both, we love to share our knowledge, experience, and passion for storytelling for business and working with the media! We’ve delivered our training sessions to dozens of businesses and organizations across a wide variety of industries as keynotes, breakout sessions, and smaller group training sessions.
Active Media Relations teaches businesses and leaders how to tell their stories working with media, mitigate the risk of (excessive) negative media coverage, and gaining an in-depth and insightful understanding of how the media works in the digital age. Active Media Relations features three modules: Reactive Media Relations, Proactive Media Relations, and Interactive Media Relations delivered both in-person and/or virtually. Learn more...
Delivered by Sound Strategy's Rob Wozny, Storytelling for Business is a series of our popular business speaking and training sessions that can be customized for your organization and event. Training sessions include the following: How Everyone Benefits When Leaders Tell Their Stories, Messaging for the Mainstream, and more! All sessions can be delivered in-person and/or virtually. Learn more...